Emo is an abbreviation for "emotional". Emo hairstyles convey the mentality and emotions of the person flaunting them along with their individuality and the way they think.
Emo haircuts are usually spiky and shaggy a definition of how you felt at that time. It's an all over the place crazy style so use gel and hair glue to your advantage. Adding hair glue to the bangs in the front to make them straight and stiff is a must when trying to create the emo hairstyle. You can add gel to the back of your hair as well to make it stand out if you have the back shorter. If the back is long and shaggy just mix and match gel and hair glue to make it a crazy bold effect. Uneven pieces framing the face. Black color with crazy highlights. Choppy all over the place crazy haircut. Unnatural uneven look to give it more spunk.
This is a great example below.
Straighten your hair
For a longer lasting sleek hair, go for rebonding. Or you may simply iron your hair, though it is not advisable to do so often as it can lead to dryness and damage. If you have naturally straight hair, good for you, as you can simply skip this step.
Examine your facial features carefully and determine which feature you wish to emphasize, to enhance, or to downplay.
Create distinct layers by dividing your hair into sections and cutting them into layered lengths. If you want to have indistinguishable layers, simply cut portions of hair downwards for that sleek uneven cut.
Keep your emo hair smooth and sleek by cleaning and trimming it regularly.
Since emo is just expressing yourself you don't really NEED to have jet black hair, but it helps to get that sleek look.
The Emo style does not need any professional hair stylist; you can obtain by using the scissors of your kindergarten brother or even a pair of shears instead of scissors order to cut hair. Do not worry about the uneven hair you get in return, the much asymmetrical the more better. A large number of Emo styles attributes a patch of triangular hair all around the face or the lopsided hair or some fringes covering on eye.
You can go for a classic short bob, with or without bangs that cover one eye; dye it black, dark brown, or platinum blond. It looks especially good when the back is teased up with hair gel. Pink/black/baby blue/neon green layered hair for girls is becoming popular. The top layer is usually cut short and is made to stick out - spiked, in a sense. You can even teaase your hair. Think outside the box. Emo has its roots in the punk scene, and isn't just limited to black. Hair can be dark brown, black, blond, or any color you want as long as the cut is expressive of a punk rock culture and has a little Emo flare.
Accesories can vamp up a look. Little bows have become extremely popular, as have large clips or even ribbons. Play it up and create your own unique style. Remember that there are no rules to looking and being Emo - you can do whatever you want.
Grow your hair out in the front and side parts so they cover a good portion of your face. Some people grow out the back. If it's short in the back, you can spike it up with gel, but this looks tacky if it gets too long. Layer your hair. Get long layers about half way down your hair, and short the rest of the way up. (If you're a guy don't worry about layering your hair, unless you want to.) Straighten your hair, with either an iron or gel. If your hair is wavy, just use hairspray/gel to weigh it down. Or, you can use what are known as 'emo weights.' Not being the actual name, these clips come in difference sizes and different types for different purposes, but actual go under a layer of your hair to weight it down. New types exist that do things such as hold it up, or spiral it. Dye your hair black and maybe add some red or blonde streaks. Flip your hair upside down and blow-dry it. It doesn't matter if it is dry already, the heat just accentuates the layers in your hair. Accessorize your hair, once you're happy with the color and style. Bows are always your best choice, along with other funky hair clips. Don't forget the eyeliner! Girls can never have too much. If you're a guy, go moderate on the eyeliner and forget accessories. Leave your hair just everywere like it is in the morning. Mostly works great! If you have short emoish hair you may want to spike it or just mess with it after your morning shower.
I really would like to be part of this scene but I am not sure if I could pull this through. Not because of all these bullies but the look is more extreme than what I used to look like. I think not caring for what other people say is the real deal about being "in scene", right?