Monday, November 23, 2009

new page

alright well i'm starting a new blog page!! based on where i'm directing my life now =]
check it out sometime!!

Friday, September 18, 2009


well this is the most recent picture of me!!!!! haha i like it but then again i do part my hair dif now and do my makeup a lil dif hav to take another soon, haha, been 2 lazy tho evry time i have any free-time some friends come over or my boyfriend comes over hahaha
me,emo me,emo,emo hair,esthetic emily

Thursday, August 6, 2009

my lipring

most recent pictures I have of me with my lipring. I will upload more of my new hair as soon as my camra gets fixed!!
emo,me,emo girl,skater,emo skater,lip ring,arm warmers,punk,plaid,striped,spike,eyeliner,necklace,belt,emo hair
emo me,emily,emo,emo girl,esthetic emily,emo skater,eyeliner,new moon,glasses,twilight
emo girl,emo me,emily,emo,emo skater,skater,eyeliner,me,lip ring
emo girl,emo me,emily,emo,emo skater,skater,lip ring,arm warmers,eyeliner
from when i still had the stud in my lip.
emo me,emo,lip ring,eyeliner

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Lipring

I got a lipring wednesday!! It didnt even hurt!!! The clamps did but the needle going through felt really cool!
This is me with it.
me,emo,emily,emo girl
me,emily,emo,emo girl,lip ring
me,emo,emily,emo girl
me,emo,emily,emo girl

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I'm getting a lipring in JUNE!!!!!!
my dad and me made a deal that if i was nice to my mom until june then i could get one, and then id have to keep being nice or else theyd make me take it out and let it heal up...(funny thing is all me an my mom fought about in for like ever was whether or not I could get a lip ring...) so of course their plan backfired and im being a "perfect little angel" and am going to get a LIPRING!!!!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I absolutely LOVE whoever it is that invented the world's greates gift....LIPRINGS!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Food Coloring = Temporary Hair Dye

Things You'll Need

  1. Empty bottle or shampoo bottle
  2. Shampoo
  3. gloves
  4. Food coloring (any color)

It is semi-permanent and usually takes two to four weeks to completely wash out of your hair. The longer you leave the food coloring in, the darker the color of your hair, and the longer it lasts. Colors show up better on lighter hair than darker.

  1. Mix several drops of food coloring and a couple tablespoons os shampoo in an empty shampoo bottle. The more food coloring you use, the darker the shade of color created. Put the top on the bottle, and shake it well to mix. You can add a couple of drops of water if it seems to thick.
    Wet your hair thoroughly, and then massage the food coloring and shampoo through your hair. Be sure to cover your entire head of hair evenly if you are trying to dye your whole head. You can also separate segments of your hair and dye only part of it.
  2. Leave the food coloring in your hair for six to 12 hours. If you have blond or light brown hair, six hours is probably enough. If your hair is dark brown or black, leave it longer.
  3. Jump into the shower, and rinse out the colored shampoo. Towel dry your hair, and then dry it with a blow dryer, or let it dry naturally.
  4. Avoid washing your hair for three to five days. (I know it's nasty...) After that, you can wash it as you normally would, but each time that you wash it, the color lightens. Depending on how dark you dyed it, the food coloring completely washes out within a month.